What is the white paint in your house?
It’s BEHR PAINT – ULTRA PURE WHITE. We have it in our entire house! The perfect white in my opinion!

What does your husband do for work?
He is a commercial property inspector. He’ll go on appointments to look at buildings, and then will work from home to write reports on them. I love how we get to see him during the day. 🙂
How does your hair look so amazing?!
The secret is that I don’t wash it. 😂😉 Well, I wash it every 3-4 days. My stylist BRI does balayage with decolorizer. Then she glazes it! I use this CURLING IRON which I love. If you’re curious how I style it, I already did this BLOG POST so make sure you go check that out! That is literally what I do every single time!
Where is your swimsuit from?
I got it at TARGET! Another great place to get one pieces is CUPSHE. 🙂

Do you want more kids?
I never thought I’d have the feeling of being “done” having kids, but as they grow up, I will say we are very content with our family of six + two cats. 🙂 God may surprise us though, and if that happens, Blaine might crap his pants. LOL

How old were you when you had your oldest son? You look so close in age!
This makes me laugh because when we moved and he started a new school a few years ago, Dylan’s new friends thought I was his sister. LOL! He didn’t think it was as funny as I did though. 😉
I was 22 when I had him. I don’t think I’d be the person I am today if I didn’t have him at a young age. I grew up fast. I learned how to try to balance life at a young age, the importance of working hard to support and take care of another human being, and that the scariest thing can turn into the best thing that could ever happen to you!
I loved when you styled something two ways with Niña. Are you going to do that again?
If you all didn’t know, Niña and I had a Facebook Live series called 2X Design on the HGTV FACEBOOK PAGE from June 2017-May 2018. We would show how to style a space two different ways. One would be modern eclectic (mine), and the other was coastal farmhouse (Niña’s). We did it every Friday. Here two videos showing you THREE COFFEE BAR options and TWO SIMPLE SPRING DECOR options. We had left it open with our contact about eventually doing Instagram 2X Design. Life got busy, and we still haven’t contacted them. You’re probably thinking…”What in the world?! Why haven’t you contacted them back?!” Time wasn’t on our side. When we say yes, we want to make sure we are all in. Just recently, Niña and I were talking about reaching out to them as we’ll be able to commit once the kids are in school again. What do you all think? 2X Design on Instagram?! Would you watch it?!

Those are just a few of the questions I received! I wish I could answer all of them, but don’t worry I’ll do more of these q+a blog posts! I’ll do random like this, but I’ll do some with a specific topic like my house or business questions. If you ever have any questions, please let me know so I can make sure I add it to my list of questions to answer!