This post is sponsored by Walmart but all opinions are my own.
Lennon and Hendrix are so excited to be heading to Madrid, Spain next month! They will be attending the Real Madrid select training clinic. We’ll be leaving November 17th, and the boys will have training sessions November 20th-25th.
They love playing soccer and until we leave for Spain, they’ll either be practicing in the backyard or at VSA. Here are some items the kids use that I bought at WALMART . I love the affordable prices that Walmart offers!
We have a SOCCER GOAL that the kids can work on target shooting that I talked about in a different blog post (click HERE), but we also have these SMALL GOALS like the image below which is perfect for our backyard and for the kids to play 1vs 1. We also have CONES for them to work on drills.
Athletic clothes is what my kids wear 99% of the time. 😉 Walmart offers athletic clothes at an affordable price for your kids so make sure to check those out below!

Check out other sports equipment such as football, volleyball, lacrosse, etc. available at WALMART! Also since it’s football season, here are some items for your next tailgate party!