Mother’s Day 2020
I hope you all had a wonderful Mother’s Day yesterday! Being a mom is one of the hardest, most stressful thing I’ve ever experienced, yet it has given me so much joy, love, and patience. There are times I feel like I’m killing it as a mom, and there are times I feel like I’m completely failing… or maybe even losing it. 😉 Pretty sure we are all just trying to do the best we can and raise good humans! Here’s a virtual HIGH-FIVE to all of you mamas!
My morning started with my oldest son Dylan handing me a tray so I can have breakfast in bed. Blaine made eggs benedict for the first time. Since I’m doing Profile, he used their Cauliflower Topper instead of an english muffin. It was delicious!

The kids then all came in with hand written cards and drawings as well as a gift. Guess what they got me? PAJAMA PANTS! It’s exactly what I wanted, and I’m wearing one of them as I type this post. These are so soft and is perfect for this quarantined homeschool mom!

After we watched the church service online, the 3 boys and Blaine got fresh new haircuts. I’m definitely not a professional, but I’m starting to get faster and a little better each time!

One of my requests every year on Mother’s Day is a quick photoshoot with the kids. Blaine has so many photos with the kids since I’m a “mamarazzi” who is constantly taking photos. Then most of my photos with the kids are selfies.
Since it was Mother’s Day, the kids didn’t complain at all about getting their photos taken and didn’t complain about wearing jeans..ha! This is my kind of photoshoot! I didn’t even have to bribe anyone!

Here’s a behind the scenes shot of Niña taking our photos.

(To shop exact or similar outfits we are wearing for our photoshoot, CLICK HERE)

Niña and I even got a photo together! (To shop NIña’s and my outfit, CLICK HERE)
We ended the night with a home cooked dinner and chocolate chip cookies that Blaine baked. YUM!
I’m so thankful that these 4 kids call me MOM! They make me so proud. They have helped me become the person I am today. My arms are full and so is my heart.
Also, I wanted to give a special shoutout to my mom and mother-in-law. I’m lucky to have such great role models to look up to.