Last Day of (Home)School
School is out for the summer!! Not sure who is more excited that Friday was the last day of (home)school…. the kids OR the parents! 🤪 Last day of kindergarten for Mariah, 1st grade for Lennon, 3rd grade for Hendrix, and 9th grade for Dylan. Are your kids on summer break yet?!
Someone had asked me last week how the kids are handling everything and my response was “they’re doing awesome… I’m actually the one that isn’t doing so great!” My high schooler has his classes handled, but adding in homeschooling to 3 littles while trying to also work from home has rocked my world. I can’t even keep up with getting a kid on a zoom call on time, and then when my child misses it, I feel horrible! Then the words “not required but strongly suggested” for each child’s weekly plan, gave me major anxiety. I automatically feel this pressure for the kids to do it and feel like a failure when they don’t get activities done for the week. My work is flexible in a way that I can do it later or the next day, but the more I push work back, the more overwhelming it is because I know it’s work that isn’t getting done, more emails and messages not replied to, campaign deadlines that still need to be met, etc.
Praise all the educators, principals, lunch staff, etc… thank-you for all you do for our kids! To the parents who are trying to do the best you can, I’m sending you all positive vibes and a big virtual hug as you finish up the last few days/weeks of school! ❤️
On Friday, we did a quick photoshoot similar to the FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL. Coordinating outfits and all! 😉

After college Niña and I never thought we’d ever live in the same city, and here we are with all 8 kids heading into next school year in the same school! Pre-K to Sophomore! I’m pretty sure most of the teachers think Niña and I are one person…LOL! Love how close these kids are and act more like siblings than cousins… I mean they’re practically half siblings since Niña and I are identical twins, right?!

We celebrated the last day of school with ice cream and toppings.

If anyone is wondering, the kids forgot to give their homeschool teacher a thank-you gift. 🤪