Extreme Closet Declutter!
I showed you all my closet via IG STORIES, and many of you were shook. Some of you just couldn’t believe that was my closet, and some of you told me to have no shame because yours looked the same! 😉
People want to see the real life. Well, this is it. This is the real, REAL! You know how almost every single family has a drawer in the kitchen where you just throw in all the random things. Well, that’s my closet.
Here’s what was all in it:
-clothes (obviously… 😉 )
-boxes from move-in day that were filled with home decor pieces (Well, it’s been a year living in our house ,and I haven’t decorated our master bedroom.)
-boxes / products that companies send
–Beautycounter marketing materials / products
-craft items
-wrapping paper because Santa’s helper wraps presents in the closet
Well, it was time to do something about this hot mess. My husband is a huge clean freak, and I’m sure he would get anxiety every time he would pass by. Thankfully, we have been married for almost 11 years so at this point I know he isn’t going to leave me with a messy side of the closet…LOL!

First step, was admit I have too many clothes. I decided to create 3 piles:
1- “Buh-bye” pile are clothes I haven’t worn in the past year, doesn’t fit me, or clothes that did not make me feel confident when I wore it.
2- “LOVE it” pile are clothes that I would wear every day if I could, or it makes me feel amazing when I wear it.
3- “I can’t decide” pile which are clothes I don’t love, but I do like it so I’m not sure if I want to part with it just yet.

With the “I can’t decide” pile, I just had Blaine help me because I’m so indecisive. I showed Blaine each piece and had him decide. It was interesting to see which of my clothes he liked.
I was pretty proud of myself getting rid of so many clothes. These are going to my five older sisters to check out! I know some on Instagram were asking if I could do an online garage sale…. if I have lots of people interested, I can see what I do. 😉

TA-DAAAA! Are you as surprised as I am? Blaine sure couldn’t believe it! A clean house is one of his love languages so I knew his heart skipped a beat when he saw this….haha!

Since I got rid of so many clothes, there is now more space available and plenty of hangers available for me to hang most of my clothes. (My next project is getting rid of even more and having a capsule wardrobe.) The boxes of home decor went into our storage room in the basement. I actually got rid of a bunch of boxes. Some boxes were actually empty when I thought it was filled with stuff. Oops! Beautycounter items all in one bag. All my purses are now in one area. Before, it was all over the place in my closet. Craft items are now in one bin, and the random wrapping paper is in the basement.
This took about 5.5 hours to accomplish… from beginning to end. It was a great project to accomplish during quarantine! I hope this encourages you to declutter and organize your closet!! If I can do it, I know you can too!!