2022 Word of the Year and Goals!
I can’t believe it’s already 2022!
Do you have a word(s) for the year? I started doing this last year and highly recommend it! It’s a theme, vision, and your guide for the year. For those who don’t have a word yet, below are some examples:

My words for 2022 are BEGIN + LEARN and am so excited to see what will happen this year personally, professionally, and spiritually with these 2 words as my focus. Here are some of my goals with these words as a guide:
1) BEGIN to take my business as a content creator to the next level. When I compare my income from 2020 to 2021, I realized I more than doubled it by working less. It’s crazy to actually say that out loud because I don’t have as many “followers” compared to others out there… but the saying is true: if you value yourself, others will too!
Last year, I said “no thanks” to opportunities that don’t see the value and time it takes producing content… planning, styling, photographing, recording etc. A lot goes into my job that many don’t realize. I value my time and energy. Saying no to some opportunities actually brought more opportunities that were better for me. This was a game-changer in my business last year and I want to stick to it again this year.
I want to think outside the box. I want to tackle projects instead of putting it off. I want to share what I’m learning along the way even though it may take longer to create content doing it this way. I want to be consistent.
As you can tell, I’m not focused on income goals. I know the more money I make isn’t going to make me happier because it really doesn’t take much to make me happy…lol. As long as my marriage is strong, my kids are turning out to be good humans, I can have Starbucks, go out to eat occasionally, go on trips a few times a year… I am good to go!
So why do I want to take my business to the next level? I’m not sure if this type of job is going to be here forever but I love what I do and if I can prolong the opportunity to have a job that I enjoy while being with my family, supporting my family, traveling more, saving money for emergencies, and making our modern flip house to fit our style… I’m going for it!
2) This goes with no. 1 – BEGIN to be more in control with my job that does have flexible hours. It’s hard having a work/life balance when you’re an entrepreneur. I love my job, but one of the downfalls is that it’s really hard to turn off my “content creator” cap. This sounds completely crazy but as a content creator, your every day life can be made for content. You could literally be working 24/7. There’s always something you can be doing especially with so many various social media apps to handle now-a-days.
My kids are only little once. Plus, they are growing up so fast! Years are flying by! When they’re at home, I don’t want to be on my phone working on last minute things. I need to get everything done when the kids are at school. I shouldn’t have to say “hold on a second, let me get this done” when they’re at home. So that means working and checking emails from 8am-4pm (or when I’m in the vehicle waiting for kids to be done with practice) and when the kids are in bed.

3) LEARN how to use tools to tackle the long list of house projects. If I’m not so scared to use power tools and actually know how to use them, then I don’t have to rely and wait for my husband to do it whenever he has some free time. Well, I’m taking matters into my own hands. 😉 I recently purchased a nail gun and a miter saw. Stay tuned for some fun projects!
4) This one goes with no. 3: BEGIN walking inside places like Lowes, Menards, and Home Depot by myself with confidence. Thinking of going there by myself to get material gives me anxiety like a deer in headlights! Now if you tell me to go there to look at home decor items…that’s a breeze! I’m going to have to do some research and have an idea what I need to get so I don’t look like an idiot..haha!
5) BEGIN to LEARN more about the Bible. My relationship with God is very important to me. It helps me make choices and live life to be the person I was created to be. It gives me strength when I’m exhausted. It gives me hope when I’m discouraged. It gives me peace when I’m anxious. It helps me give grace to others as well as myself. I believe I have a strong faith but I don’t know much about the Bible. I remember trying to read it one time, and I had such a hard time understanding what I was reading. I was more confused than anything!
I was trying to figure out what I can do this year to help me growing my faith and couldn’t decide. Then yesterday, my friend Angie shared with our prayer group about “The Bible Recap” which helps you read the Bible for a year!
Here are some links for this:
+ Digital Users: Download the BIBLE APP to your phone. Then search “Bible Recap – 365 Days” under plans. Then click “Start Plan”
+ Print users and want to print it: DAILY READING PLAN
+ After you read the specific reading for the day, then listen to the quick episode (5 min or so) for that reading on The BIBLE RECAP podcast. This gives you a better understanding of what you read. OMG. so helpful!
Can’t wait to dive into this and learn more about the Bible!
6) BEGIN to make my health more of a priority… internally and physically. I don’t want to focus on the number on the scale. I know I just need to move my body more like getting on the Peloton and try out some healthy recipes. I know doing these 2 things will make a difference in how I feel.
Now that you read my goals. What are yours?! What’s your word for 2022? Let me know in the comments!