I ended up asking on FACEBOOK and INSTAGRAM which one is the lie from the comments below.
1. I was attacked by a monkey when I was young.
2. I drove into a police car in college.
3. I wanted to be a hairstylist after high school.
Well, I’m ready to spill the beans! The lie is #3! When I was in high school, I wanted to be an interior designer which is what I studied in college. My twin sis, Niña, was actually the one who wanted to be a hairstylist.
I’m sure you’re now wondering about #1 and #2. Let me explain…
#1 : I was born in the Philippines, and our family moved to the United States when I was three years old. I don’t remember anything about the Philippines except a thought of a monkey on my back. For the longest time, I thought it was just this made up thought I had in my head. I never said anything to my family because I figured it was probably a dream that I couldn’t get out of my head. When I was an adult, my sisters, mom, and I were at my mom’s and we started talking about the Philippines. Well, they confirmed that the monkey situation really did happen!! I was outside playing one day, and the neighbor’s monkey “attacked” me!…Or maybe all it wanted to do was play with me! I have no idea, but I guess I was pretty traumatized that it’s the only thing I remember from living in the Philippines! Craaaazy!
#2 : One winter night while I was still in college, I attended a party with my coworkers. It had started snowing quite a bit already. It was also starting to get late so I decided it was time for me to head home. I was driving super slow because it was pretty slick out. As I was driving, I noticed that a police car had someone pulled over on the side of the road. As I got closer to the two vehicles (still driving at a snail’s pace), my car started sliding towards the police car. My vehicle wasn’t stopping even after pushing on the brakes. At that point, I was driving on black ice. Well if you’re wondering, yes I hit the police car!! OMG, I thought my life was over at that point! The officer asked if I was ok, and then told me to stay in the vehicle while he finished talking to the person who he had pulled over. I was completely panicking inside. I couldn’t believe this was happening, but even though I was freaking out inside I stayed calm. Which thinking about it now, how could I be so calm in a situation like that?! I was honest with him and told him I just left a party, and I had 1.5 beers. I do remember taking the breathalyzer test. I can’t remember which other tests exactly I did but I remember him looking at my eyes, I had to walk in a straight line, and I also had to balance on one leg while saying something (I can’t remember if I was counting or saying the alphabet backwards). He then told me that he wasn’t going to give me a ticket, to leave my vehicle there, and that he will drive me home. When we got to my driveway, he let me know that he will contact me if there is any damage to his vehicle, but he was pretty positive there was no damage at all. I remember waking up the next morning and thinking it was just a dream. NOPE. My vehicle was where I had left it. I also never heard from him so I guess his vehicle didn’t have a scratch! I still can’t believe it happened, and I wish I could give that officer a hug. Everyone reading this: 1) don’t drink and drive 2) know what the weather forecast is and 3) don’t drive when there’s a winter storm.
Since I shared 2 crazy things that happened in my life, let me take it down a notch 😉 and share outfits that I’ve been wearing every week.
The AMERICAN EAGLE SHORTS I’m wearing are 50% off right now! The two different Target shirts are only $19.99 each – LEOPARD PRINT TOP and CREAM COLORED TOP. These COGNAC SANDALS are 20% off with code SHOES20.